Special Edition: Update from Greg Melia, CEO, CXPA

Special Edition: CX Update from the CEO of CXPA, Greg Melia

Customer satisfaction is down in nearly every industry and customers are growing more and more frustrated.

This means the risk of customer churn is rising.

If you’re a customer experience leader you will want to equip yourself with the best resources to help your organization stand out from this customer frustration.

In this Special Edition of the Delighted Customers Podcast, Greg Melia, CEO of the Customer Experience Professionals Association shares how CX leaders can best prepare for a turbulent world and what trends he’s seeing in the marketplace.

Greg returns to the Delighted Customers Podcast to give us an update on 3 things:

  1. The Purpose and Benefits of the  Leaders Advance Program in Orlando
  2. Resources available for CX leaders and anyone interested in CX
  3. Trends from the CEO’s perspective 

Meet Greg

Greg Melia, CAE is an innovator and leader dedicated to advancing associations and customer experience. Greg was appointed by the Customer Experience Professionals Association as their first full-time CEO in April 2019. CXPA is the premier global non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement and cultivation of the Customer Experience profession.  It has more than 55,000 followers in 70 countries around the world.

Greg holds an undergraduate degree in psychology from The College of William & Mary, a master’s degree in social anthropology from the London School of Economics, and a graduate certificate in Creativity and Change Leadership from the International Center for Studies in Creativity at the State University of New York. Greg is also a Coca-Cola Scholar and has served as a member of the Coca-Cola Scholars Alumni Advisory Board.  He was also designated an honorary member by Farmhouse Fraternity International in 2016.

Like many in CX, Greg’s professional experiences have helped develop his passion for CX. He worked for several years in hospitality, including as an inaugural staff member of the Ritz-Carlton hotel in Pentagon City, Virginia. He worked on employee culture and organizational strategy issues for the as an organization development consultant to the United States Environmental Protection Agency, has more than 15 years working with member experience at various associations including the American Society of Association Executives and The US Chamber of Commerce, and background in world-class storytelling at ITN Productions Industry News.

Special Edition: Update from Greg Melia, CEO, CXPA
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